
Call of duty: cold war: update
Call of duty: cold war: update

call of duty: cold war: update

With a larger mini-map and indicators for enemy reinforcements, you’ll have a better handle on navigating the many skirmishes you’ll encounter throughout, no matter the game mode. If you need to trek it toward an objective, consider taking either the far north or south lane, largely out of sight from these positions.

call of duty: cold war: update

Use them to your own advantage but be ready to swap to a close-range weapon when the enemy comes knocking. Pipes, Production, Research, Shipment, Crane… there are plenty of areas here giving a powerful vantage point to players up top. Either take them out from the second story there, or flank around the back and eliminate them from behind, taking up the perch for yourself.

call of duty: cold war: update

When approaching a skilled marksman, head through the Shipment building to the north. The eastern Silo marks a favorite perch for snipers and other long-range attackers, offering views over a large portion of the area. A variety of objects offer cover when traveling these high-risk paths, which savvy Operators will certainly take note of when it comes time to push the attack. Many objective modes feature locations on the ground floor in particularly vulnerable areas, considering the map’s many vantage points. The top and bottom paths are equally accessible to both teams. Climb just about anything and everything to get the most out of this map, as verticality is the name of the game here.Īt match start, teams spawn on the left- and right-hand sides of the map, with the left giving immediate access to the Crane and Research power positions and the right side giving immediate access to Silo, Shipment, and Production. First introduced to players in the original Call of Duty®: Black Ops, WMD is a large Multiplayer map featuring a multitude of power positions throughout its interior and exterior spaces.Įxpect a lot of action around the central Production Facility and bring backup when navigating the treacherous roads. Intel suggests Perseus operations are spinning up at a lost weapons facility in the mountains.

Call of duty: cold war: update